Progresus Blog

7 Advantages of automating processes within a company.

Written by | May 25, 2023 5:06:39 PM

Process automation refers to the use of technologies to perform recurring tasks in an organization with the aim of minimizing costs and streamlining processes.

7 Advantages of automating processes within a company.

Increase productivity

One of the main reasons to automate processes is to increase productivity within a company without the need to extend working hours or invest in more personnel.

There are many repetitive tasks or processes that often take up a lot of time and make work teams less productive. By automating these tasks, employees can focus on work that truly adds value to the company.

When it comes to business processes, 60% of areas within companies could save 30% of their time through process automation, which directly translates to increased productivity.

Improved process quality

By standardizing business processes, one of the first results is an improvement in their quality, as the possibility of errors is minimized.

Also, by controlling operations automatically and in real-time, more accurate business decisions can be made to enhance and improve the processes' quality.

To achieve effective automation, it is necessary to understand all the organization's processes. This mapping of tasks and objectives will also help the entire team have clarity about the company's processes.

Informed decision-making

Controlling an organization's processes automatically and in real-time enables informed business decisions based on the current reality.

Through process automation, all key details of a process are recorded (times, responsible parties, objectives). This information can be used to demonstrate compliance in strategic meetings and help make better decisions.

Cost reduction

By automating processes, companies begin to reduce costs as they do not need to invest in additional personnel or overtime, and errors, which can be costly for a company, are also minimized.

There is a myth that investing in software development is very expensive, but the reality is that there are options to make such investments without it becoming a headache.


Streamline processes

The result of effective process automation is simplification. Faster processes with fewer errors that can be analyzed in real-time lead to effective decision-making.

Digital transformation

Process automation is a crucial step in adopting the culture of digital transformation, which is so important today. It allows companies to reduce time spent on repetitive tasks, enabling them to focus on strategic tasks that can generate more value and become more competitive in the market.

Greater customer satisfaction

By focusing on the process and providing better service, companies can exceed customer expectations. Having more efficient processes with fewer errors will result in increased customer satisfaction, recommendations, and customer advocacy for your business.